PPC-Programs for PowerUP using my ixemul-bridge(old):

UAE 0.8.614-Sep-98beta release. Bugfix:option -m is working now.**
povray_bin.tar.gz10-Sep-98POVRay 3.02. Note:+X9999 +B100 to speed it up. **
ADescent.lzx11-Jan-99Mouse support added. **
mpg123-0.59q_usr.lzx06-Jun-99mpeg audio player. Fixed VBR bug.**
mpg123-0.59q_dev.lzx06-Jun-99mpeg audio player. Source code only.**
8hzmp3-m11.lha11-Nov-98mpeg audio encoder. NEW LINK! **
jpegoptim.lha04-Sep-98JPEG Optimizer. **
timidity-0.2i.lha07-Sep-98MIDI to WAV converter and player. **
ixemul980903_dev.lha03-Sep-98beta version of my ixemul-libc. Source only.
ixemul980912_user.lha12-Sep-98ixemul.elf V0.56 and ixemul.library V47.4 only. Please install in GG:Sys/Libs.
ixemul990422_user.lha22-Apr-99ixemul.elf V0.58 and ixemul.library V47.4. Added getwd.
ixemul980806_user.lha06-Aug-98ixemul.elf V0.54 and ixemul.library V47.4 only. (obsolete)

(*) ixemul.elf V0.54 and ppc.library V46 required.
(**) ixemul.elf >=V0.55 and ppc.library V46.19 required. Note:V0.55 is incompatible to V0.54! Recompilation needed!

Note:Always use a stack of at least 32000 bytes for ppc ixemul programs.

EMail: jakob@ph1.uni-koeln.de