High angular resolution in astrophysics:
optical interferometry from theory to observations

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8th VLTI Summer School
Cologne, 6-13 September 2015


For further questions please contact vlti2015-info

List of Sponsors and Partners

  1. Opticon

  2. I. Physikalisches Institut, Universität zu Köln

  3. Universität zu Köln

  4. Max-Planck Institut für Radioastronomie, Bonn

  5. Max-Planck Institut für Astronomie, Heidelberg

  6. SFB 956 DFG

  7. Bonn-Cologne Graduate School

  8. Jean-Marie Mariotti Center, France

  9. Santander Universitäten

  10. Cologne Summer Schools

  11. Astronomy & Astrophysics


We acknowledge financial support from Opticon (Grant number 312430), DFG/SFB 956, the Santander Universitäten, and the Cologne Summer Schools.