Detection of molecules in space via spectroscopy
Information obtained from laboratory spectroscopy: line positions, bands, intensities; use
for astronomy: identification, column density, temperatures, relative velocities and/or velocity distributions.
Unassigned Spectral features: (SED), DIB, UIR, U-lines
Wavelength ranges: UV/vis, IR, sub-mm (THz), mm, cm with selected recent examples
Maier: UV/vis spectroscopy of Radicals and Ions: CnH, C2n cyclic, C2Al, C7-
Salama, Allamandola and Huisken: CRD of PAHs in the visible
Oomens, Saykally: PAHs, PAH cations, diamondoids, TinCm
Grabow, Harvard: cm-mm (-40 GHz) spectroscopy (FTMW) of CnX, X=Si, H, H2,..
Zuirys: (-500 GHz) Metalcompounds
Alonso: cm-mm (FTMW) organic and prebiotic molecules, amino acids, …
Cologne/JPL/Lille/Ohio: mm/sub-mm (-3 THz): light hydrides (NH3), small radicals(CH2), low lying bending vibrations(C3H,Cn), complex molecules: DME, EME, weeds
The role of databases
Topics not covered:
Perrin/Paris: IR spectra of molecules in planetary atmospheres
Tennyson: polyatomic species in stellar atmospheres, highly excited species
Maier (20)
Section: IR spectroscopy of PAHs
Oomens (20)
Giesen (20)
Schlemmer/Giesen/Lewen (20)
Giesen/Schlemmer (15)