GENESIS/MOBS kick-off meeting 28. and 29.9.2017 in Bordeaux

The official kick-off meeting for the GENESIS (ANR/DFG) and MOBS (DLR/Verbundforschung) projects will take place on the university campus of Talence at the Laboratoire d'astrophysique de Bordeaux in the room 'atmosphere' (28.9.) and at the INRIA institute in the room 'Ada Lovelace' (29.9.). Please bring an identity card/passport, badges will be given at INRIA.

We plan short sessions with presentations of the participants (15 min.+ 5 min. questions) and discussions on thursday and friday from 10-13 and 14-17.

Lunch/coffee breaks will be provided and we plan a diner on thursday evening.


Bordeaux: Sylvain Bontemps, Jonathan Braine, Fabrice Herpin, Thierry Jacq (LAB)
Hussein Yahia, Guillaume Attuel (INRIA)

Cologne: Robert Simon, Nicola Schneider, Volker Ossenkopf, Markus Roellig, Annika Franeck

Bonn: Timea Csengeri (MPIfR)

Heidelberg: Simon Glover (ITA)

Paris: Antoine Gusdorf (LERMA), [Arabindo Roy (CEA)]

Grenoble: Thomas Nony (IPAG)


Thursday @LAB
1. Session: Cooling of ISM gas/PDRs and shocks
10:00 10:15 Introduction to GENESIS/MOBS Nicola
10:15 10:30 Introduction to GENESIS Sylvain
10:30 11:00 Member presentation/all around GENESIS + coffee break all
11:00 12:00 Irradiated shocks in diffuse and dense regions (talks and discussion) Antoine
12:00 12:20 PDR modelling, KOSMA tau Markus
12:20 13:00 Discussion: shocks vs PDRs, recent developments all
13:00 14:00 Lunch
14:00 14:20 SOFIA and CCAT-Prime Robert
14:20 14:40 Data sets (SOFIA, IRAM,..) for GENESIS/MOBS Nicola
14:40 15:00 CII in W51 Timea
15:00 15:20 The SILCC project/modelling stellar feedback Annika
15:20 15:40 Molecular cloud formation simulations Simon
15:40 16:00 coffee break
16:00 ~17:30 Discussion: Observational projects, priorities, collaborations, proposals.. all

Friday @INRIA
2. Session: Identification and characterization of ISM gas/energy repartition in the ISM
10:00 10:15 Ongoing projects in GENESIS/MOBS Nicola
10:15 10:30 Future instrumentation and its link to GENESIS Sylvain
10:30 10:50 Image analysis methods/tools Hussein
11:00 11:20 coffee break
11:20 11:40 WWCC and other tools and Filament analysis methods Volker
11:40 12:00 Noise/Regime/Structure Guillaume
12:00 13:00 Discussion: structure analysis tools, turbulence characterization,... all
13:00 14:00 Lunch
3. Session: Formation of dense structures
14:00 14:20 ALMA Large Program Sylvain
14:20 14:40 CMF/IMF in W43 with ALMA Thomas
14:40 15:00 free slot for other presentations
15:00 ~16:30 Summary and Discussion all

Both, the Laboratoire d'astrophysique de Bordeaux (LAB) and INRIA are located on the university campus of Bordeaux in Talence/Pessac. The institutes can easily reached by the tram B, exit 'Francois Bordes' for the LAB and 'Bethanie' or 'Arts & Metiers' for INRIA.

This image gives an overview where the places are. The meeting on thursday will be in the salle 'atmosphere' in the LAB and on friday in the room 'Ada Lovelace' at INRIA.

How to get to the Laboratoire d'astrophysique (LAB)?

Adress: Batiment B18N, Allee Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 33615 Pessac
Way to the LAB

How to get to INRIA ?

Adress: 200 rue de la Vielle Tour, 33405 Talence
Way to INRIA

N. Schneider