Recent highlights
- Two articles highlight the value of collaboration in reciprocal manners. Measurements and assignments for
Investigation of the Rotational Spectrum of
CH317OH and its Tentative Detection toward Sagittarius B2(N) were carried out in
Köln, and Vadim Ilyushin in Charkiw, Ukraine, performed the analyses emplyoing his RAM36hf program.
Arnaud Belloche from Bonn contributed ALMA data for its tentative detection.
In the case of Submillimeter-wave Spectroscopy of the CH3O Radical, measurements and assignments were made in Orsay, France, along with initial analyses. The final analyses were carried out by me. The analyses were challenging in both projects because of the plethora of allowed spectroscopic parameters. - The investigation Rotational Spectroscopy of the Thioformaldehyde Isotopologues H2CS and H2C34S in Four Interacting Excited Vibrational States and an Account on the Rotational Spectrum of Thioketene, H2CCS is a text book example for Coriolis interaction. The study highlights the importance of rotational spectroscopy for deeper insight into rovibrational interactions as does the preceeding work on methyl cyanide. The preceding publication Laboratory Spectroscopic Study of Isotopic Thioformaldehyde, H2CS, and Determination of its Equilibrium Structure is also recommended.
- Toward a Global Model of the Interactions in Low-lying States of Methyl Cyanide: Rotational and Rovibrational Spectroscopy of the v4 = 1 State and Tentative Interstellar Detection of the v4 = v8 = 1 State in Sgr B2(N). This work describes an exploration of the intricate interactions of v4 = 1 with neighboring states, in paricular with v8 = 2 and 3. An ealier account was given in Rotational Spectroscopy as a Tool to Investigate Interactions between Vibrational Polyads in Symmetric Top Molecules: Low-lying States v8 ≤ 2 of Methyl Cyanide, CH3CN.