List of Publications
- Ossenkopf V., Optische Eigenschaften koagulierter kosmischer Staubteilchen, diploma thesis, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (1990)
- Ossenkopf V., Th.Henning, Optical Properties of Inhomogeneous Dust Grains, in: Krelowski J., Papaj J. (Eds.), Physics and Composition of Interstellar Matter, Torun (1990), 199-204
- Ossenkopf V., Effective-Medium Theories for Cosmic Dust Grains, Astron. Astrophys. 251 (1991), 210-219
- Ossenkopf V., Henning Th., Mathis J.S., Constraints on Cosmic Silicates, Astron. Astrophys. 261 (1992), 567-578
- Reimann H.-G., Ossenkopf V., Beyersdorfer S., Atmospheric Extinction and Meteorological Conditions: A Long Time Photometric Study, Astron. Astrophys. 265 (1992), 360-369
- Reimann H.-G., Ossenkopf V., Correlations Between Atmospheric Extinction and Meteorological Conditions, in: Butler C.J., Elliott I. (Eds.), Stellar Photometry - Current Techniques and Future Developments, Cambridge 1993, 229-233
- Blum J., Henning Th., Ossenkopf V., Sablotny R., Stognienko R., Thamm E., Fractal Growth and Optical Behaviour of Cosmic Dust, in: Novak M.M. (Ed.), Fractals in the natural and Applied Sciences (A-41), Elsiever Science 1994, 47-59
- Preibisch Th., Ossenkopf V., Yorke H.W., Henning Th., The Influence of Ice-Coated Grains on Protostellar Spectra, Astron. Astrophys. 279 (1993), 577-588
- Ossenkopf V., Dust Coagulation in Dense Molecular Clouds: the Formation of Fluffy Grains, Astron. Astrophys. 280 (1993), 617-646
- Ossenkopf V., Koagulation und optische Wirkung inhomogener Staubteilchen
in dichten Molekülwolken, PhD thesis, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
- Ossenkopf V., Henning Th., Dust Opacities for Protostellar Cores, Astron. Astrophys.
291 (1994), 943-959
- Stognienko R., Henning Th., Ossenkopf V., Optical Properties of Coagulated Particles, Astron. Astrophys. 296 (1995), 797-809
Conference papers and posters
- Ossenkopf V., Henning Th., Optical Properties of Inhomogeneous Dust Grains, at "Physics and Composition of Interstellar Matter", Bachotek, June 1990
- Ossenkopf V., Approaches to Astronomical Silicates, at "Dust in Dense Molecular Cloud Cores and Circumstellar Regions", Jena, April 1991
- Ossenkopf V., Early Stages of the Coagulation Process, at "The Protoplanetary Accretion Disk", Mainz, Oktober 1991
- Ossenkopf V., Henning Th., Cosmic silicates, at "Dust and Chemistry in Astronomy", Manchester, January 1992
- Reimann H.-G., Ossenkopf V., Correlations Between Atmospheric Extinction and Meteorological Conditions, at "IAU Colloquium 136", Dublin, August 1992
- Ossenkopf V., Dust Coagulation in Dense Molecular Cloud Cores, at "Stellar Evolution and Interstellar Matter", Astronomische Gesellschaft, Jena, September 1992
- Preibisch Th., Ossenkopf V., Yorke H.W., Henning Th., The Influence od Ice-Coated Grains on Protostellar Spectra, at "Stellar Evolution and Interstellar Matter", Astronomische Gesellschaft, Jena, September 1992
- Reimann H.-G., Ossenkopf V., Atmospheric Extinction and Meteorological Conditions, at "Stellar Evolution and Interstellar Matter", Astronomische Gesellschaft, Jena, September 1992
- Ossenkopf V., Stognienko R., Sablotny R., Blum J., Thamm E., Henning Th., How Do Dust Aggregates Look Like?", at "Gordon Research Conference on Origins of Solar Systems", Gordon, July 1993
- Blum J., Henning Th., Ossenkopf V., Sablotny R., Stognienko R., Thamm E., Fractal Growth and Optical Behaviour of Cosmic Dust, at "Fractal 93", Kingston, September 1993
- Ossenkopf V., Effective Medium Approaches for Dust Aggregates, at: "Workshop Dust in Star-Forming Regions", Siegmundsburg, October 1993
- Ossenkopf V., Grain Structure and Dust Continuum, at "Dust and Gas Continuum Emission at submm/mm Wavelengths", Grenoble, December 1993
- Ossenkopf V., A General Error in Molecular Line Transfer Computations,
at "Positions, Motions, and Cosmic Evolution", Astronomische Gesellschaft, Bonn, September
If you want a paper copy of one of these articles , please, send me
an email (
V. Ossenkopf
April 23rd 1995