Web activities

V. Ossenkopf

The Web

Web statistics

Get a statistics on the use of any WWW page at out site within the last year:

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If you have been convinced by the statistics that it might be really useful to have your own WWW homepage, you should have a look at my recommendations for a personal homepage. (They are certainly not the state of the art when you are looking for a very attractive homepage with many pictures and few information but may be useful for a scientist.)

Future of the web

With the Communication Decency Act (CDA) the United States try to get back a leading role in net censorship. But numerous german activities have proven that the situation might become even worse here. With recent actions against a Dutch internet site, the "Bundesanwaltschaft" tries to introduce a massive internet censorship keeping pace with countries like China, Singapur or Northern Korea.

If you are concerned about the future of the net join the Free Speech Online Campaign.

Das Telekommunikationsgesetz. A typical German threat of the free speech on the net is the total surveillance of all net communications on the expenses of the net users themselves in an extent similar to the former activities of the GDR "Staatssicherheit" introduced by the new telecommunications law.

Some web related bookmarks

General indexes

Internet Resources Meta-Index
CUI W3 Catalog
Internet Computer Index!
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Subject Catalogue
DINO (German index)
Web.de - Das deutsche Internetverzeichnis
Internet search engines

Writing HTML documents

World Wide Web FAQ
HTML 3.2 Introduction
HTML Validation Service
The LaTeX2HTML Translator

CGI programming

The Common Gateway Interface
Yahoo: CGI - Common Gateway Interface
HTML-based Interfaces

V. Ossenkopf
September 2nd, 1996