Publically available codes

V. Ossenkopf

Some of my codes are written in such a safe and user friendly manner and accompanied by comprehensive manuals so that I have no doubt that everybody should be able to use them.

To get an overview on the abilities of a special code, you should have a look into the manual. If you are interested in using a program, please, log into our ftp server where I have stored a number of my codes for free access. If you don't find the program there, I probably do not want to give it away without further response, so please send me an email (ossk at and we will find a way. In any case, I expect that you acknowledge the use of the program when publishing results.

Following the two fields of my recent research activities, the codes are grouped together into two main domains:

Radiative transfer in molecular lines

In the field of line radiative transfer, there is only one large package available (LTR). LTR computes the profiles of molecular rotational lines in spherically symmetric clouds with arbitrary velocity and density structures observed by a telescope with finite spatial and frequency resolution. The general abilities of the code are close to those described by Dickel and Auer (1994, ApJ 437, 222) except that central H II regions are not yet implemented but my code is much more accurate and user friendly.

You can read the abstract of the manual as HTML document or the whole manual as dvi file.

Numerous smaller codes written for the exact integration of the velocitiy space to compute improved source functions and to extend the Sobolev approximation for regions with steep density gradients are not yet sufficiently documented to make them publically available.

Coagulation and optical properties of dust

In this part, the programs are subdivided into three groups:

Unfortunately, I will not have time to continue programming and writing documentation in these fields, since I have to concentrate on the line radiative transfer.

Optics programs: These are especially programs based on different effective medium theories to compute the optical behaviour and scattering properties of inhomogeneous media and programs for the Kramers-Kronig analysis of optical constants or transmission data.

The following codes are available:

Effective media calculator EMC with manual
Effective media calculator with magnetic dipoles NEMC with manual
Kramers-Kronig toolbox KKTOOL with manual
Kramers-Kronig analysis for transmission spectra KKTRANS with manual
Mie scattering program MIE
Mie scattering program with magnetic effects (reduced version) MIERED with manual.

As some programs have a graphics interface, they can be compiled with different graphics libraries. The only library that I support over the years is Mongo2000. A version that is adapted to the current gfortran and gcc can be found in the FTP directory.

Simulations on the structure of coagulated particles: I will not write manuals for these programs because the more recent programs of Ralf Sablotny are more variable and contain much less limitations.

Global coagulation simulations: These are the programs for the simulation of the dust coagulation in dense molecular cloud cores using a two dimensional description of the dust aggregates. For the program SIMNAKED without ice accretion the manual can be accessed as dvi file. Modified versions of these programs for the application in accretion disks can be found with Wolfgang Schmitt.

V. Ossenkopf
Dec. 4th, 2015